Tuesday, January 5, 2016

No One Goes There Anymore Because It's Always Too Crowded

Alright, last (Monday) I went to Caffetto inbetween seeing my aunt and going to My Favorite Stripclub (Non-Cover Edition), but, once again, it was too crowded.  Every seat was taken.  Every one.  So, I had to leave.  I wanted to get on my computer to do my Expenses Without Receipts, but since I couldn't do it at Caffetto, I just didn't do it.

It's happened often lately.  For the past couple, few months I tried going there about, oh, a dozen to twenty times.  And only a few times I've been able to find a seat for which I could plug in my laptop and just sit.  And it's weird because there was a point late last month where Caffetto suddenly became The Most Popular Coffeehouse In The Twin Cities.  I think it coincided with the fact that the Urban Bean, the coffeeshop just a couple blocks down from Caffetto, shortened its hours all week to close at 10.  I always preferred going to Caffetto because they regularly close at 1 in the morning, every night of the week.  But now there is only one nighttime hangout of its ilk, and everybody seems to get there by 9 or so, so I'm SOL.

It's frustrating because I can't work at home; not only do I get lazy at doing the things I need to do while on the computer, but the Internet connection is so spotty I often think the one at Caffetto is better.  (It is ... most of the time.)  So I drive all the way out there only to drive back because I have no place to go.  It's gotten to the point where Caffetto isn't an option if I want to go out.  And without alternatives anywhere else in town to just sit and work for a few hours with a cup of joe at my side, I don't know if it makes sense to go out at all.

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