Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Three Weeks And Counting

So, in a busy day (maybe the busiest I've ever had working there) my boss walks in (while I had actual work on my screen and not some webpage I was checking out, thank God) and asks about the current state of stuff we're working on.  We told them that beyond the stuff we had to do today (and I hope he understands that that stuff comes in every day) there is some checking on information we still have to do.  Boss asked how much work would be left to do that stuff; I spat out at least this week, just to give us some breathing room to screw around.

That's when he said he'll check back in with us next week and, according to him, "See what you guys will do for the rest of your assignment here," or something like that.  We were told a couple/few weeks ago that our initial contract was going to be extended from mid-January to mid-February.  (Did I blog about that?  Damn, I should have.)  But from our little meeting, that appears to be it when it comes to staying there.  Bottom line: I and the two other dudes there have three weeks left -- two weeks and four days, technically.

Won't lie; my mood changed for the rest of the day.  The people I work for have all encouraged me to apply for jobs with this company, and I really don't mind getting a full-time job with this company.  But as of right now, of the four positions I've applied for, one already rejected me and I'm waiting to hear from the other three, all of which I applied for more than a week ago and have not even received an offer for an interview.  An impromptu meeting by my boss to a co-worker of his led to me sending her my resume, but I haven't heard from her, either.

So this means that in three weeks' time, I'm out of a job.  Again.  Honestly, this shit is getting old.  I'm not saying that working for this company would be a dream of mine, but I would like steady work, with more pay, benefits, and the ability to leave the hourly wage grind.  Otherwise I'm looking at schlepping back to the temp agency, again, and getting back on the hamster wheel of finding my next paycheck.

Now, I have to be honest that thoughts of being able to hit My Favorite Stripclub (Cover Division) and playing grabass with some of the strippers in the afternoon and sleeping in till 1 did make me happy.  And having no work allows me to work on finally getting around to looking through the papers I've taken out of storage weeks ago.  Plus, any time I can spend a whole day at home without my parents being here is good for my soul.  And I would probably have to hunker down at home because I would have no money to go out and spend.  Of course, if I had a salaried job I could probably duck out an occasional afternoon to get my fuck on.

See, that's why I need a full-time job with benefits (from work, not from the strippers.  Well, that too).  I think it's time for me to finally take the next step and get more money.  Question is, Will someone at this company give me a damn job, or will I get screwed over again?

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