Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Addendum To: It's Time To Get A New Computer

Of all the reminders that I need that my laptop's crapping out on me, this morning was a stark and sharp one.  What it often does shortly after I turn it on and open Internet browser windows is seize -- the downloading circle stops spinning and the cursor stops moving.  (When it starts out this slowly and I know it's going to freeze up, I spin my mouse wheel upward.  That freezes the cursor.  I think I subconsciously believe that forces the issue of it freezing to begin sooner than it otherwise would have, and so I could get done with the freezing sooner than if I just let the laptop take its course.  But I think I really want to do that just so I can see it freeze.  I'm weird like that.)  It unfreezes itself in a minute or two, but sometimes it takes several minutes to do that.

It took several minutes to unfreeze itself this morning.  Too bad this was just before I had to leave for work.  I needed to get on my computer to purchase a ticket to a show I am going to tonight.  I could have done it last night, after I watched The Big Short, but I got tired.  So I decided I would get up a little early in the morning and buy it.  Except that I didn't get up a little early in the morning, I woke up at my usual time.  And then, before I could hit the "GET TICKETS" button, my lap froze on me.  One minuted passed, then two.  Then I looked at my watch; the time on my watch is now four minutes faster than the one displayed on my computer.  You've got to be kidding me!

It took a total of six minutes before my lap finally got un-stuck.  I saw the time go from "7:34" to "7:40" and I couldn't believe how this damn piece of machinery screwed me.  I needed to go on Facebook and work on Mafia Wars, but now I had no time.  Hell, I had no time to buy the ticket, but at least it didn't freeze again.

Combine being late getting out the door with needing to scrape my windshield of ice and added slowdowns on the highways because of the snow that came through overnight, and I was ten minutes late to work.  Like I have been all week.  But this morning I could have gotten to work on time ... OK, maybe, if not for my damn slow computer.  Waiting for the old, fried processor to get over being overwhelmed and finally start chugging through downloading these pages, barely tolerable now, was absolutely frustrating and cost me time today.

I have money.  I think it's time to find a new laptop.  Can't put up with this.

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