Monday, October 10, 2016

Goddammit, I Missed A Day

Well, fuck me.  As you maybe saw, I totally forgot to blog for Saturday.  See, I thought I blog posted my blog, the previous one about Expenses Without Receipts, late Friday night (technically Saturday morning) at Caffetto.  But I had to stop myself because there were EWRs for a couple days which I didn't remember but did write down in my day planner, which I didn't have with me.  I thought I would go home and either finish it up that night or in the morning.

That obviously didn't happen.  I conked off as soon as I hit the bed.  Then, even though I lolled around my bed for a few hours, I totally didn't even think about blogging.  Instead I went to exercise before my alma mater's game.  After that, I went home, had a prolonged snack that was not supposed to be dinner, and Mother asked me to help her find these floss brush things that might be sold only in India.  That wild goose chase sapped an hour out of my life, and with that and eating and showering and saltwater rinsing the fillings I got on Thursday, I didn't have a whole lot of time to think, let alone blog, especially since I had to wake up at 5:15 the next morning to work the Vikings game.

That's when I thought it wise to blog for Sunday.  And when I opened up my Blogger, I checked the dates, realized I had skipped one, and remembered that I was saving the post that I thought I had published because I intended to check on something.

I feel like such a stupid fool.  And not to make excuses, but I have excuses.  There was the need to wake up early; the game kicking off in the afternoon when it usually was at night, thus throwing my whole routine off; the mistake of thinking I would go back to WAF when I was too tired to remember to do so, which is another break from routine; Mother bothering me with some bullshit for an hour; and hell, I still can't get over losing two sets of keys.  I'm not in the right mindspace, and I haven't been since I lost the first set.

The irony about this oversight is inescapable.  I have taken two vacations, occasions where I usually am too busy and/or don't have the means to blog every day.  Yet I was able to, both on my roadtrip across the northeastern U.S. and Toronto and on my trip to St. Louis.  I am here in Minnesota, and through carelessness and fatigue, this is when I skip a day.

You know, when I began this blog I knew that I was going to miss days.  Hell, I missed doing something on Wailing And Failing on January 2, the second day of this blog's existence.  And yet ... and yet ... never have I gone an entire year where I blogged at least once a day.  When I started WAF I thought that was unreasonable.  But now, looking back on it, I was keeping it up in 2016.  With only three months to go, why not go through all 365 (actually 366, since this year is a leap year) days?  But no.  Just one slip-up and that streak is ruined.

I totally hate myself right now.

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