Monday, October 3, 2016

I Should Be More Worried About Work Tomorrow Than I Am

It may be because I'm still obsessed over where all these fucking keys are.  But I think that since everything went almost perfectly smoothly there, and with everybody I was in contact with people that I liked and not just tolerated, in the back of my mind I figure that I can just slip in and start right where I left off.

That might not be the case.  And maybe it shouldn't be the case.  I have been lulled into a potentially false sense of security because the contacts at the temp agency got in touch with me about going back months ago.  Maybe I think that with the lead time with which they told me I'd be back, I just figured that the skids back to the very cubicle I was working from have already been greased.  But that may not be the case.

First of all, I was told by both my temp agency and the boss I will answer to at the company that they're going to give me some additional responsibilities.  I look forward to it -- I think.  Today, while walking around the grounds of the Ryder Cup, I thought the worst.  What if they want me to ... gulp ... answer phone calls from customers?  I told my temp agency no telemarketing and no customer service.  Ever.  If they want me to do that -- well, frankly, that's a red line, and I won't cross it.  My God, I hope they won't make me do that shit.

And now I'm anxious about what will be new.  Will I answer to different people?  Will I be held to a higher standard than least season?  Will I have the same desk as I did before?  Will I even be on the same floor as I was before?  Man, I was thinking that everything would be the same as before -- I would slip onto my desk, touch base with my higher-ups about what to do, then just hang out and do the things that need to be done only when someone comes by and says, "Hey, I need you guys to do this," and until then, I get to be on the Internet, and everybody's cool with that.  But ever since I was told I had a shift -- a shift?!  What the hell's that? -- I'm getting the impressions that the cozy, peaceful work situation I thought was manna from heaven wouldn't exist anymore.

I was really hoping that I would have four months of good-sized paychecks so I could pay my credit card statements and fix all the problems I'm having for losing not one but two sets of keys.  But if I'm not coming back to the same job I left in February, I'm not sure I can stomach a different job that would give me that money.  Will I have to walk away from this because it's changed from the job I fell in love with?

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