Wednesday, December 28, 2016

But This Is Mine!

So the big crush of stuff that needed to be done at the health insurance company I work at is done.  It may not have been done well, but in this business, there is a deadline, and like it or not, once you reach it, there's nothing left to do.

Therefore, as my boss told me yesterday afternoon, there will be a shift in job duties for me.  There will be some testing and other odd projects that he'll have me do.  But the bulk of what I'm doing now, which checking information to see if they're right, will be taken off my plate starting today and given to another group of people ... which, apparently, would be the people doing this from the very start, if not for the onrushing work that had to be done before Christmas.

When discussing this with my boss and supervisor (again, it appears as though I actually have three bosses, although I talk mainly with just one), they were worried about the reaction of the workers who will be taking up the work I started.  It seems as if they know that this is stuff they usually work on, and they'd be kind of miffed to see that someone has started doing that stuff for them.  That's when one of them mentioned that some workers can be very tribal about their responsibilities at work -- "But this is mine!"

Well, I didn't say this out loud, but that's exactly what I'm thinking knowing that this will be taken away from me some time today.  I'll be honest: I've been doing this for the past two weeks, yet I know this wasn't really the "critical" work that had to be done before the weekend.  But I'm good at it, it's a steady pace for me, and I'm not overwhelmed by it.  Plus, I hate change, and yet that's exactly what I'll face as soon as my supervisor comes in and takes these papers away from me.  I know I'll be thinking in my head, "But this is mine!"

Another reason I feel this way is because every shift in responsibilities means I'm that much closer to losing this job, and thus needing to find another one.  Again, I appreciate not being tied down to a job that I might not like, but frankly, I like this one, and I wouldn't mind latching onto this company.  Besides, finding more work somewhere else is getting to be old, especially if the test scoring places promote people based off a test like they're white collar versions of McDonald's.

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