Monday, December 19, 2016

Thinking About Death Again

This may or may not piggyback on the anxiety I am currently feeling.  The past couple of nights I haven't slept long.  I wouldn't necessarily say that I therefore haven't slept well, because I believe that the nightmares I have been experience the past couple of nights is an indication I have reached deep sleep, something my body has needed after being run ragged the past 72 hours.

But oh, those nightmares were vivid.  Now, I don't remember any of them.  I remember being conscious enough to feel my teeth gnashing and my heart beat into overdrive before I kind of wake up, however, signs that they were bad and probably death-based.  I've been thinking about death again in the minutes before I drift off.  Not as focused as I was before I started this work assignment, but I have fleeting thoughts that this might be the last breath I breathe, or that there's some crazy Republican that will snipe me through my bedroom window.  I do think about that.

All of that has meant that I have been quite tired waking up in the morning.  I felt exhausted this morning, and therefore the nap I took in my car for lunch (and thank goodness the sun was out and it's warm enough to reach single digits above zero) was much needed.  It does not help that I've switched my wake-up time to 6 in order to take advantage of overtime.  But I've been so darn tired at 6 that I have hit the snooze button several times, something I have never done before.  I actually got to work today at 7:45, a full 15 minutes later than I wanted to, so I need to stay 15 minutes to make up for it.

The only saving grace is that, after going to Target, gassing up my car and picking up pizza for dinner (when did my parents go back to wanting to eat pizza?  Is it because it's winter?), I'm staying in for the night.  Maybe my body will reset and give my mind a nice, long slumber, and I'll be fully awake at 6.

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