Saturday, December 31, 2016

Fuck You, 2016 -- In A Way (Scheduled Post)

(Just want to say this: I am typing this at work Friday mid-afternoon.  I was going to blog what should be the final blog post for 2016 past midnight.  But even though I tried to remember, I didn't bring my laptop with me to use at Glam Doll after the Gopher men's hockey tournament games I'm coming and leaving work early for.  Since I have to work the Vikings Saturday and wake up very early Sunday, and I have to mix New Year's festivities inbetween, I don't think I'll have the time to do my blog post for Saturday unless I do this now.  This is the earliest I have blogged a Scheduled Post, but circumstances, I believe, demand that I do.  In the interest of full disclosure.)

This year has been so fucking depressing, obviously because of the election (how can so many people think that a stupid bully who may be a puppet for Russia should be President?), but also because of all the celebrity deaths that have happened.

I kind of got reprimanded by someone on Facebook.  A Facebook friend was dismissive of the wave of deaths in 2016, essentially saying, "Well, everybody dies."  For one thing, mourning the loss of someone who you saw in a favorite movie or a song you still sing to is an appropriate way for fans to grieve their loss.  That's all that is, no more and less, and somehow stretching that to infer that you don't have your priorities straight is both misguided and somewhat cruel.  I said something to that effect, though I added that the deaths of many of them before their time (Prince, Carrie Fisher and George Michael had more to give) seemed to happen with much more frequency than in any other year I can remember.  To which one of his friends said, "What do you mean by "their time?"  It seemed like an odd question to ask, but I was sure that he implied something antagonistic, even condescending.

I gave my opinion, and that's that.  Still think they're wrong, though.  I totally believe that more "celebrities" died this year than any other.  It was maddening how many big celebrities passed away.  And combining that with the election of Donald Fucking Trump, and the ensuing death of America, makes me even more bitter and depressed.

But I have to counterbalance my sadness with the fact that, on a personal level, things are really good.  I have lost no family or friends in 2016.  Everyone is a year older, but I think everyone's in good health, despite my paranoid fear of death.  I still don't have a job and remain very ambivalent about going back to school, but I haven't been kicked out of my childhood home, and right now my relationship with my parents is good.  My money pile continues to go up and down, but I'm still not broke and really wanting for money, and I still get to pull tail whenever I feel the urge to.  Got freaky with a lot of women in 2016, a few of them new ones.  That's all the joy I can get out of life.

So I feel kind of weird.  The year 2016 has been awful, and it makes me sad and angry, and so I am so fucking happy to finally see this year die.  But that's because of things I see in the news.  Nothing bad has happened to me on a personal level.  In fact, on a personal level, 2016 has been pretty good to me.

Guess I should keep things in perspective, then.  After all, I don't think as many celebrities I'm fans of will die in 2017, and maybe Trump will be impeached.  Then again, maybe I will start to lose my loved ones next year.

Will see.  That's all we can do.

Happy New Year.

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