Monday, March 13, 2017

Addendum To: Yeah, I Think It's Time To Change My Wi-Fi Service

My wi-fi has been extremely spotty since the last time I complained about it, since I came back from Hong Kong.  When I came back, Mother bitched bitterly about how slow it was.  But this time around, instead of blowing it off as her overreacting again, she is totally right.  Once I have brought down the Comodo on my laptop in order to connect to the wi-fi, it's been painfully slothful, and sometimes I still don't connect.  And just when you think the bugginess is just because of my old computer, I have had a heck of a lot of trouble using my wi-fi on my smartphone as well.

The only -- only -- excuse I can give besides the crappy wi-fi is that it's been cold the past several days.  None worse than usual for winter, but this is March, so I would at least expect the weather to be warmer and less snowy than it is.  The cold does bad things to our Internet, so I would be surprised.  Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if it's acting worse.  And besides, none of us are happy about how it's working when it's working optimally anymore.

I told Mother that we might have to wait until July.  She didn't react well.  And right now, I'm not so hot on waiting, either.

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