Friday, March 31, 2017

Person At Work Pissing Me Off, #1: Mr. Inside Voice

OK, so for as long as I am on this project, I am going to have to put up with a lot of crap.  There are about 70 people in a room, and even though it's a big enough room where we're not knocking knees and elbows, sometimes it feels as though we are.

In particular, a personal tic, tolerated hour after hour and day after day, becomes unbearable.  That is the case with four such individuals.  I have had it with all three of them, and therefore, to blow off steam so I don't get into it with them at work, I'm just going to talk about it here.

The first, and possibly the worst, asshole at work is the one who sent me over the edge yesterday (Thursday).  The guy is old, schlubby, probably stinks.  He has two deals.  The less aggravating one is that, without fail, if he has a question, he will go to the overall supervisor in the room.  That's not a total big deal, but the way the organization in the room works is that there are us worker bees, immediate supervisors, and then the room supervisor.  There is an immediate supervisor for, oh, every 10 of us drones.  I'm sure he has one, but for some goddamn reason he does a disrespectful (IMHO) end run around that person and goes to talk to her.  Because he's Senor Hotshit or something.

But the most galling fucking thing he does is talk in a loud, outdoor voice.  All.  The.  Fucking.  Time.  I first noticed it when he beckoned the room supervisor over to his computer to look at a paper he has trouble scoring, which is much more often compared to the average.  I could hear him talking.  He's in the middle of the room while I'm off to the side, and he's talking loud enough for everyone to hear.  And when he goes up to the front of the room to ask this supervisor for help, I can still fucking hear him.  Does this old fart know how to whisper?  Seriously, one of these days if he's going to start talking as if he's the only one in the room, I'm going to either sidle up behind him or shout from my workstation, "Just give it a 1!"  And when he asks, "Who asked you?" I'll go, "Well, it ain't my business, but you're talking so goddamn loudly you've made it my business.  So give it a 1!"  And then he'll get mad and at that point I'll be so pissed at him that I'll be spoiling for a fight and I'll be ready for one.  And then I'll be fired.  And then I won't have to worry about him shouting and distracting me, because I'll be out of a job.

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