Friday, August 10, 2018

Oh, OK, We're Gonna Get All Passive-Aggressive All Up In This Bitch Now, Huh?

Weirdest thing at work just now.  Walking back into work from afternoon break and I get stuck behind the cleaning lady.  She already is moving slow because she's wheeling a huge garbage can to pick up refuse.  But she also struck up a conversation with someone ahead of her, and so I had to really back down as they were shooting the shit in front of me.

We get to a hallway.  I hear footsteps behind me.  Neither the cleaning lady nor the person she's talking to is walking faster.  We hit the part of the hallway where it widens, only slightly.  They start moving to the side because I think they both see the pile-up behind them.

I start moving over to the side.  Just then I hear the person behind me.  And she goes, and I quote: "Excuse me.  I'm ... moving faster."  And she cuts in front of me.

Oh, you're faster now?  So that means everything, doesn't it?  (OK, I'll stop and say that her statement isn't completely unambiguous.  She might be talking about those two, or the entire situation where we were all backed up.  But I will continue as though she was showing me up.)  Sorry I was too slow for you, or too nice to tell those people to move it on over.  I'm just trying to be a team player my second week on the job.  You, who probably has been there for years, probably thinks you've built up enough, uh, goodwill that you were entitled to walking as fast as you want to -- and to insult people in the process.

I have to let it go.  Have to.  Because I have no idea who she is.  She probably is above me in the organization chart.  And if she has any bearing on my department, telling her off probably is the end of me at that job.  But goddammit, I don't take this shit lying down.

And I got back in the most passive-aggressive, Minnesotan way possible: By taking it out on another person.  I was walking back from the hallway a little later, and The Person Who Bangs The Keyboard was getting up and walking towards me to put away a file or something.  I could have moved to the side.  I didn't.  I wanted to show her that I hear her pounding on her keys like she's pissed off for no good reason, and I forced her to veer off to my side.  Huh, showed her that I've noticed she's typing way too fucking loud.

My God, I'm not gonna last at this place.

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