Saturday, January 26, 2019

Phone-Wise, I Think I Now Live In This Year, If Not The Next Decade

Well, I finally made the leap.  Five years to the day -- to the day -- I upgraded from my Samsung flip phone to an Apple iPhone 4, I finally activated and switched over to the iPhone XR.  It still doesn't seem to be all there, but I did call T-Mobile to let them know about the upgrade, so I think I've burned the bridge I just crossed over.

The 4 wasn't completely broken down.  It's just that, sadly, technology has rendered it obsolete, and maybe that's by Apple's devious design.  For example, there are many applications I simply cannot use because the iPhone has an operating system that new and better apps wouldn't support.  Plus it did get really slow, especially when loading maps and Twitter.  Finally, when calls started to get really dicey -- even though I don't know whether phone calls are subject to degradation from older cellphones -- the ball was rolling down the hill at a steady pace.

I was going to make the switch some time this weekend.  But I knew, from the first-ever message I sent out (to my parents) that it was around this time I jumped up to the 4.  After realizing that I probably blogged about this, I saw, from my blog post, that the evening of January 25, 2014 was when I made that jump.  (Wailing And Failing is good for some things.)  It seemed only fitting, then, that my 4 would serve five and exactly five years before I retired it.  That meant I spent most of the evening typing up my contacts and making sure everything uploaded and downloaded like it should have.  Again, it's not completely restored; I'm staying up because the iTunes library isn't on my XR, for example.  But I can use it to make calls and stuff, so I'm using this from now on.

(Aside: I bought the XR a few days past the New Year.  Most people would immediately move up to the new phone as soon as they brought it home.  I keep it in my drawer for three weeks before realizing that there is an "anniversary" coming up.)

One thing about this, though, and I'll blog post it hopefully some time in the near future; my recollection of the last upgrade, back in 2014, completely does not square with what I wrote in that blog post five years ago, and it's scaring me.

Well, have 4 1/2 hours of sleep before I have get up.  I'll set the alarm on my computer just in case the Clock setting on the XR does not work.

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