Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Q: What's One Overlooked Thing That You Do When Drunk?

A: You ruin your plan of just using your credit card for purchases on a certain day.

See, I went to this high-end restaurant right after work today because I want to eat at some high-end restaurants before my parents come home and cook for me.  Delicious Vietnamese fusion food, believe me.  But I ate that food with a cocktail -- a good one, certainly good enough to knock me off my senses.

So I went to Target because I needed salami and a bed sheet (I don't know if those two items have ever been uttered in the same sentence like that.  Thank God for Target.)  And I was at the self-service payout scanning them in.  I see the total and I'm all, "Yep, I have exact change for that!" and I put in my coins and bills, not realizing until after I put the last bill in that I intended to use my credit card.  Shit!

Ah, well, no big deal.  But I'm sure that if I were more level-headed -- if I had not drank alcohol before getting to Target -- I would have made sure I pulled out my credit card instead of cash.  (sigh)

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