Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Winter Solstice Should Not Come Around Christmastime

I still am walking around like a chicken with its head cut off (no offense to chickens), and then I realize (a few days ago but still) that today, Saturday, is the Winter Solstice, aka The Shortest Day Of The Year.  Now, once Daylight Saving Time happened it kind of screwed me up, and there are disadvantages of having such a short time period of daylight.  But I gotta tell ya, I was getting used to having, what, eight hours of daylight per day?  And now those days are going to get longer?

I want to ... well, I think the word is "enjoy" having such long nights.  While it was rough at the start, it's not now, and with anything (I think), once you get used to something that initially appears daunting, you can find your joys and your mojo within it.  But I can't find nor enjoy right now because right now I'm dealing with a bunch of things: Christmas shopping, spending more time with my family than I usually do, Christmastime period, and the closing of My Favorite Stripclub (Non-Cover Version, and more on that later, I think).  I want, like, the month of January where I need do nothing else except further ingratiate myself into the rhythm of waking before and the sun comes out and preparing for my drive home after the sun goes down.  Let me have time to ... "enjoy" that.

But I can't because in rush of the holiday season, daylight's going to make a comeback after tonight.  It'll still be cold and the nights will still be long, but it won't be the same.  This is the nadir, and I have more shopping to do -- well, shopping and seeing my ATF at My Favorite Stripclub (Cover Division) and then going to Hooters.  But still.

Proviso: I may totally change my feelings about wanting to "enjoy" long nights tomorrow, or maybe even tonight.  I'm tired and people come down with the cold and stuff and ...

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