Monday, March 23, 2020

Gettin' It At The Gas Station

Mother wanted milk, but only if I was going out somewhere.  Gave me an excuse to buy the Cokes I was hankering for.

Had no idea how much milk is going for, however.  Went to the gas station because 1) I get to put the Cokes on my points and 2) I am freaking out over social distancing, and I figured that at 3 in the afternoon a gas station would be more sparse than Target.  I went to see milk going for $4.59, which seems expensive as hell to me.  But as I was going out to the car, I got really scared about dodging people, some of whom are probably shedding virus like a motherfucker.  So I pretended to act like I meant to go to my car to get a bag, grabbed an H&M bag (I went to H&M to buy a shirt after my hoodie's string fell through one hole -- long story) and went back inside.

Yes, it was not crowded enough.  But the first time I went in, some dude was coughing.  And as I was going in a second time, some fat dude was coughing on his way out the door.

I have it.  I've got the fucking coronavirus because I was going to a gas station.

Fuck my life.

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