Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Right Now, The R Doesn't Stand For Russia Or Rape -- It Stands For Racism

I must confess that when I saw on Twitter one person calling the coronavirus the "Kung Flu," I wasn't offended.  But it's different when two elected officials unnecessarily allude to the origins of this impending pandemic.

First I saw that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy -- a Republican -- tweeted a link to a website for, as he called it, the "Chinese coronavirus."  And then I saw on Colbert that Rep. Doug Collins of Georiga -- a Republican -- was self-quarantining after he came into contact with someone who tested positive for the "Wuhan virus."

I know what you motherfuckers are doing.  You're identifying this as a Chinese disease, and thus trying to blame Chinese people for having it.  I've heard of one case (online, through a website I've never heard of, so I'm not sure if it's true) of a Chinese dude getting beat up over the coronavirus.  You fucking Republicans are just looking for another scapegoats for all your troubles, like Republicans usually do.

"So?" you may ask, "Didn't the coronavirus start in Wuhan, China?"  Yes.  But first, if you or I get the virus, it'll probably be someone who's white, so if anyone is to blame (and no one is to blame), by your bigoted logic, it should be the first degree person, not Patient Zero.  And second, and more important, asserting this empirical fact is just an excuse for Republicans to race-bait.  They want Asians to get beaten up, or worse (probably), because they want to blame The Other for the problems they're suffering through -- even though this is a disease, that no one is to blame, and that it will take all of us on Earth to control and, maybe, defeat it.

But caring for your fellow man isn't in the Republican spirit.  Pointing fingers is.  And that's exactly what they're doing when they use the adjectives "Chinese" and "Wuhan" when talking about this scourge.  Don't deny it, assholes; you know goddamn well what you're doing.

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