Saturday, March 14, 2020


I'm starting to really take seriously social distancing/staying home.  If we don't have enough tests, and if we don't have enough hospital beds, and if we don't have enough ventilators, we need to do all our part to stop the spread of COVID-19.  So I'm staying home.

My parents, however, did not.  I thought they were home all morning, but I heard them come through the front door.  They thought it best to go to a few grocery stores and buy tons of food.  Oh, and a propane tank.  Just in case.

Look, I don't want to underreact to this crisis.  We could be looking at, at least, two weeks of careful self-quarantining.  So we'll need food.  (Aside: I'm surprised my folks did not come home with bruises, cuts and scratches.  At work yesterday a co-worker said she talked to friends who went to Target, and it was like preparing for a zombie apocalypse: People in masks and gloves, buying toilet paper and disinfectants, and preparing to fight anyone who gets in their way.)  But this much?  It's not like we'll be doing so much exercise around the house we'll need calories to restore ourselves.  If anything we'll need less food and more Lysol and Clorox.  (Yeah, they should've seen if they could get some wipes and stuff.)

Well, at least we've got more than enough food that we can just bunker in the house, if need be.

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