Sunday, August 8, 2021

Oh yeah, so about the alumni event ... so it turns out that we didn't have too many volunteers, but in fact exactly enough.  There were enough people saying they had to cancel that everybody who wanted to come in and volunteer.  God bless 'em, because at least they told me they weren't coming, because a few people no-showed.  Not a huge deal, but just telling people you can't make it is just an act of consideration.

So everything else went fine.  I did not ask the screening questions like I should have; I instead just asked them to fill out all contact information on the sheet while telling them I assumed they didn't have any symptoms of COVID-19, wasn't exposed to anyone who has COVID-19 in the past 14 days, etc.  I'm glad they all understood, especially the ones whose names weren't on the sheet and to whom I asked to put all their contact info down.  Now, I saddled that one guy with a half-dozen pens that didn't work.  I had a fleeting thought before I left to use those because I didn't want to lose any of the ones that did work.  I hope he doesn't think I was making fun of him, and I hope he doesn't think I'm a schmuck.

Now, posting social media and a post-event report, and I'm all good.

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