Monday, August 30, 2021

Parents Being Penny Wise But Pound Foolish -- Maybe

I have come to eschew milk.  I may be overreacting, but all the times I have had an upset stomach over it have, in a small, prosaic way, traumatized me, and so unless the milk does not contain lactose (and I should talk to my doctor to confirm that, yes, I have lactose intolerance), I don't drink milk.

My Grandmother and parents made me drink so much milk.  I may have not felt well.  I may have told them about that.  They may have ignored me.  I had a traumatizing childhood, and I wonder if that was a part of it.

Anyway, over the weekend my folks bought four damn gallons of whole milk.  It was on sale.  Can you believe it?  "Drink up!" Father said, both last night and just now for lunch.  I don't think I can risk farting at my new job, Father.  To her credit, Mother stepped and told/reminded Father why I wouldn't drink it.

But: Four damn gallons.  Why?  Are they going to drink them all?  Do they expect me to pull my weight even though I try not to drink milk anymore?  Are my parents not lactose intolerant?  And does this fall under the adage of being penny wise but pound foolish?  Probably only if the milk goes to waste.

Eh.  I'll drink a glass tonight.  Hopefully it won't upset my stomach in the morning.

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