Saturday, August 28, 2021

A Feeling Of Accomplishment (Such As It Is)!

OK, so today I woke up in the morning to watch EPL downtown.  Soccer is on an International Break next week, and then the NFL begins, so it might be the last time I do that for a while.

I wanted to take a nap.  Didn't think it was wise to do so where I was parked, so I drove all the way up to my storage unit.  I wasn't going into my unit, although I guess I could have taken my keys before I left, but I left in a hurry and didn't move my stuff from my pants to my shorts last night.  But really, I just went there so I would have a safe space in order to sleep.  And I may have done that for, like, half an hour, maybe, before the sun hit me in a way that woke me up.

And so I dithered.  I knew I was going to come home at some point to mow the lawn, and I would come home earlier than I usually would on a Saturday afternoon to do that because rain was coming.  Still, I really didn't want to come home.  But on my way to Potbelly because I was hungry to try one of their shakes (verdict: yummy!), I realized I could use a haircut.  So, I checked in online at Great Clips and had a more than half-hour wait, during which I was at Potbelly enjoying my shake.  I walked across the street, waited a little longer than I thought I should have (doesn't checking in online mean I can cut in front of the people who are there?), and was out between five and ten minutes after I sat in the barber's chair.

I told Father I'd be home between 2 and 3.  Usually I'd come back later than 3 in that case, but in this case, seeing as I got something done and I wanted to get this other thing done before the rain comes, I arrived back home a bit after 2.  I promptly put on my suntan lotion, made a couple calls while I waited for the oil to settle in, and finally started up the lawnmower just before 3.

And then the rain came.  Well, it was touch-and go.  The sky started to get cloudy, and then it got ominously cloudy, and then I felt a few raindrops after I got done with the front lawn.  I thought about packing it in, but when I popped my head into the backyard, not only did I see Father fiddling with the outside toaster oven on the deck, but I also saw Mother gardening.  If they were outside, I could be outside, so I went to mowing in the back as fast as possible -- without missing a blade of grass, of course.

And then the rain came again.  Sorta.  At one point it started to rain heavily.  But Mother was still out there.  And the sky didn't completely cloud over.  It did that thing where it would go dark and then lighten up, and the sun even peeked through a couple times.  If the sky was going to do that, well, what I was feeling was just instability showers, and so I was going to regret stopping mowing because the rain was going to stop, too.  So even at its worst, I kept mowing, hoping the engine wouldn't blow up.  And it didn't, and the rain stopped after about a minute, and I was able to mow the whole back lawn.

And I showered to get all my hair off of my head.  And after dinner I slept for two hours and 45 minutes.  And I am blogging for the second time today.  And yes, I feel like I accomplished things.

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