Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Back To My Whoring!

The rise of the Delta variant is spooking all of us.  I have been convinced to start wearing my mask again everywhere, even though I am not as consistent with it as I was before I became fully vaccinated.  But I may have no choice; municipalities all around the country are reinstituting mask mandates, and just last night it appears that a bunch of private organizations -- from businesses like Target to hospitals to performance venues including First Avenue -- are mandating their employees to get vaccinated and are either demanding proof of no COVID-19 and/or strenuously asking customers to wear a mask.  People are fatigued, sure.  And I do not envy any employee if they're tired of putting masks back on and, more importantly, asking customers to mask up.  But they're the problem: We're not done with this pandemic because motherfucking anti-vax, anti-mask motherfuckers aren't getting their shots and are thus inviting the coronavirus to infect them and, in turn, giving the virus a shot at mutating into something worse.  Honestly, I would jail and/or even kill maskholes at this point.  I'm done with them.

In the meantime, however, I am going back to normal, and that will include going to house parties.  And it just so happens that I was invited to not one but two of these stripper parties via text yesterday.  And because I no longer have a night job, I can go.

First, there's *****e, who continues to invite me to her parties even though I can't go because they're so far away.  About a month ago she invited me to a place that's a lot closer, but I couldn't go because I still had that test scoring job.  She's the one I called dumb as a box of rocks, and frankly, she confirmed my assessment of her when, last week, she invited me to that same party ... the same party to which I told her I couldn't go because I had work.  Stupid me, however, because I didn't remember that; I just told her that I couldn't make the party *****e invited me to because I had that test scoring job, as if it was a different, brand-new party she was hosting.

No matter.  This afternoon she texted me saying she was going to host another party for later this month, and it is at this house that's a lot closer to me.  And, like I blog posted when I called her stupid, I am desperate, so I am giving her another chance.  I have only gotten one lapdance from her, but according to my principles, since she invited me, I intend on taking her to a room for some shit.  Let's see if not being smart correlates to being a fucking animal in bed.

And it gets better, a lot better.  This past evening, *****y, out of the blue, texted me that she is hosting a party with three other babes I remember, and it's happening this Friday.  The great thing about the pandemic (such as it is), and about working two jobs, is all the money you make.  And now I have plenty to burn through, starting this Friday.

I wanna get my fuck on, and hopefully my cock works in service of all the hot strippers I'm going to see, both later this week and later this month.  But, well, there's that damn virus.  I am almost certain that at a house party like this there will be people (mostly mouthbreathing stripper hounds) who are not vaccinated, don't believe that the coronavirus is real, thinks shots implant tracking chips in their bloodstream, and insists that Trump is still president.  I probably am walking into an unsafe environment.  But, to be honest, I am perverted enough to risk it, all because I want to go back to my whoring.

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