Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Box-Of-Rocks Dumb

There was a stripper party going on last night.  Didn't feel like going.  Parties scare me too much these days.  I will make an exception under the right circumstances, but this one did not have such circumstances.  And then I was texting back-and-forth with the host, and right now, if I don't ever go to one of her parties again, I'd be totally fine with it.

I talked about her once here on Wailing And Failing.  She was hosting a party at a townhome that wasn't hers, even though it belongs to a stripper working that party.  She furtively tried to masturbate me through my pants when I got my first lapper from her, which was good.  Otherwise, she was ... strange.  Overbearing; she kept asking me if I liked her party.  Although her eyes are light blue, they always seem glassy, like it's a symptom that she's not all there, you know?  And sometimes she does not understand the simple questions I'm texting, and she misunderstands in the most annoying, dumbest way.  Once I explicitly asked her what time one of her parties ended.  She said 2.  "So a. m.?" I asked?  "No, 2 p.m." she replied.  I told her I couldn't come to her party because it's in the afternoon.  "No, it starts at 2 and ends at 9."  If you only would have looked at my text. ...

She did it again in the run-up to her party last night, and this time it was sort of the final straw for me.  I told her I would not go to her party because I was still skittish over attending parties with lots of people.  She kept trying to reassure me -- well, she first said that this party has nothing to do with a shooting that took place in the parking lot of the strip club she works at, like I fucking talked about that shit at all -- by saying stuff like, "17 Minutes is not far," and "I'm only letting a few in the house at a time," which made me think that the rest of would just have to wait in their cars or something, which is absurd.

I wasn't going.  That's the bottom line.  So I just shut down and didn't reply to her after she continued to try and convince me her party was safe.  So yesterday, the morning of the party, I texted: "I'm not coming today.  But thank you for the offer."  To which she replied, "I already know."  Bitch, you've been trying to convince me to come to your party for days now!  How do you mean you know when you wouldn't take my reasons not to go for an answer?!  And I got so triggered I had to get in the last word; last night, well after the party would have been over, I sent her an eyeroll emoji.  Because I'm over it, and her.

Right now I just don't have any patience for strippers who are dumb.  And she is box-of-rocks dumb, as stupid as they come, and it's not really close.  I mean, I have stopped talking to strippers who rip me off, and those that manipulate me in order to shake me down for more money.  But I consider them to be petty and juvenile and craven, people who know what they're doing and will go pretty far in order to get what they want from me.  This woman ... like I said, she's as dumb as a box of rocks.  I am just floored that she somehow can function in society, let alone host a party.

Maybe I'll give her a chance when I'm desperate.  But right now, I don't fuckin' need her.

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