Sunday, July 26, 2020

It's Fuckin' Hot Out There

Let it be said that if it were not for the coronavirus and the global protest over the murder of George Floyd, the thing the nation would be talking about now is the sustained heat wave most of the United States have been suffering through all summer.  There would be expansive talk about climate change and how the hot temperatures are indicative of something worldwide and calamitous.  But we're not.  And people have been complaining for years that we should be talking about climate change more than we have been.  And we should ... except that we have two more comprehensive issues the world, in my opinion, needs to worry about now more.

There was a Heat Warning Friday and yesterday, and there was one today.  But storms that rolled in overnight and lasted through the morning tamped down temps to the point where today's Heat Warning was cancelled this morning.

Went out to watch Last Sunday at the EPL and the NWSL Challenge Cup Final at Brit's, then to South Minneapolis for a State Fair food called the Rainbow Cloud Roll, then a Target run.  Thought about wearing shorts, but the Heat Warning cancellation plus the cloudy weather as I was leaving plus the alternative being shorts whose pockets seem so short that I'm afraid something will fall out of them while I'm about and about convinced me I should wear the jeans I've been wearing all week.

But now it's sunny and hot as fuck, and although it's been partly cloudy since the morning, the rain that was supposed to come in in the afternoon has not materialized.  Meanwhile I'm sweating through my thighs, as usual, making the ink in all the receipts I have in my pocket run and bleed.  I hate this damn feeling.

There should be a Heat Warning right now.  It feels that hot.  But then again, it's felt "that hot" all summer.

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