Friday, July 10, 2020

And Now For Something More Awkward

So, beyond the shitty phone call. ...

Just finished the last of two nights of second shift in filing.  It wasn't bad.  The back half of my night, from about 5:30 on, flies by, but that's because I'm so busy doing work by myself.  But that "by myself" part is key: I absolutely love my nights there.  I think I still might underestimate how much I like a work environment in which no one is literally or figuratively in my space.

Still, things aren't perfect.  In fact, there were a few times where I just bleepin' didn't know what I was supposed to do.  I had to text my supervisor, who technically was off work but invited me to ask her any questions if I got stuck.  God bless her.

But another thing went awry last/Thursday evening that still grinds my gears.  In short, there was something that told me I needed to send a form over to a different department.  But I was wrong; I needed to fax this form instead.  This was brought to my attention by my supervisor this (Friday) afternoon, but yesterday (Thursday) someone from The Third Department I Work In brought it to my attention ... even though this mix-up has nothing to do with her or the department she is in.

She brought it to my attention because someone from that department literally walked into filing.  In fact, I remember seeing this person from the other department look at me and slow down as if she wanted to tell me something ... but decided against it and brought it to this other person instead.  Why?  She knows that this person has nothing to do with this form and how it was supposed to be handled.  Moreover, she had to go through the filing department in order to reach This Third Department, and she saw me working in fiing.  Why couldn't she have asked me?  Is it because she thought I was the one who made the mistake and was so disgusted by me that she wants nothing to do with me?  If that's the case -- well, shit, we've got a problem then, don't we?

At any rate -- AWKWARD!!!

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