Tuesday, July 7, 2020

At Some Point She Has To Notice

For the longest time I've been pushing my breaks, especially the morning one, when I get my coffee and use the bathroom, sometimes to poop.  No one is really looking at me, so I come and go as I please, and I usually get back to my seat a Minute after my 15.  Maybe two.  Sometimes three.

Yesterday, during my afternoon break, it was a bit more.  Lately I have been eating the food Father gives me for afternoon break.  I had been going out to my car to take a nap, but I had to be real with myself -- it has been a long time since I've taken a nap in the afternoon, and if I am able to pass out for lunch, I don't feel the need to go back into my car to take another nap.  Besides, I need to eat this food, and I'm busy getting coffee and pooping in the morning, so afternoon break it is.

The food I get is usually a banana.  Yesterday I tried to pace myself a bit, for I knew that I had to go into the lab after break was over.  (Not a whole lot of forms, we usually get done around 2, and break is the perfect time to prepare to go in there.)  It behooved me to finish everything within 15 Minutes because, even though I usually can come and go as I please, I think people would notice if I don't get into the lab in time.  One further complication: My supervisor was working yesterday.  She wasn't supposed to, but my boss who was supposed to come in on this Monday left early.  (COVID-19?)  And it is her desk I pass by on my way back from the bathroom for morning break.  She's a supervisor.  She also may be tracking how long I take to get back from break.  So if she is, I might be on the slacker list already.

So I get done with the banana.  But then I have to wipe down the table.  Then I have to use the bathroom, and I usually go to the one closest to the lab coats I need to wear inside the lab.  And then I ... shoot, I just spaced out.  I wash my hands, grab my coat then realize, oh crap, I'm seven Minutes late!

Did my supe see me?  She's not at her desk, so maybe she didn't notice.  But once I got into the lab, I saw her, training the new person on how to do lab work.  Great.  If she had her eagle eyes on me -- or, come to think of it, if she looked at the paper log and see that I was totally honest and put in the time I entered the lab at seven Minutes after I should have (why didn't I just lie?) -- this would, logically, be the breaking point whereby I cannot extend my breaks any further than I already have.  So, I fear that a warning, or at least a note from my boss, is coming in very short order.

I feel the need to be a good employee and come back from breaks super early, starting today.  But I don't think I can.  I mean, I might have to poop, and you can't rush pooping.

I'm so in trouble.

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