Saturday, July 18, 2020

And Today Is ... Going To Be Complicated

After the fucking shitty day at work, putting a crap coda on a fairly miserable week at work, I was looking forward to this weekend more than any other before.  (I might have said that last week, too.  But I also mean it this week.)  But plans seem to have been ruined for many, many reasons.

I have known for a while that I need to mow the lawn here.  The weekend was going to be perfect.  But from about a week ago, weather forecasts predicted Saturday would see a huge spike in temperature -- above 90 -- and as the week wore on, meteorologists saw that it was going to be a damn humid one, too.

Still, I was going to mow the lawn -- early in the morning.  That will give me the whole afternoon to, probably against good sense, go out to Maplewood Mall to eat a Flowering Onion (one of the vendors of the Minnesota State Fair that now needs to make money this summer whenever and wherever they can).  On top of that, Thursday night I signed up for a taste test which is very close to me: Ten Minutes away, on the way to the storage unit.  I could mow, go out to Maplewood Mall, drive to the taste test, then come home.

What I learned at dinner changed all that.  First, my parents decided they wanted to eat Pizza Hut.  That meant I had to buy Coke, which means I would have a couple places I would have to go after the taste test.  But then Mother told me my brother, sister-in-law and niece are coming over for the first time in months.  I'm not sure if that's completely safe with the virus going around.  Moreover, when Mother told me, she didn't know when they would be over, just that the visit was going to be short.  Short is good (don't get me wrong -- I love seeing my niece, I just have plans today) but when she would be coming over will dictate whether I can mow the lawn when I want and if I can go to Maplewood Mall and, most importantly, whether I would need to cancel the taste test ... and forego the $30 that goes along with it.

My brother WhatsApped that they would be there around noon.  It drops in at pretty much a crappy time today.  I should be well past finished with the lawn, but I should be on my way to Maplewood Mall around noon, so to be cautious, that Flowering Onion is out for this weekend.  (Luckily they'll be there a couple more weekends.)  The thing that remains up in the air is how long they are going to stay.  I don't have complete confidence that the visit will be "short."  If it goes long enough (say, 2 1/2 Hours), I'll have to go online and cancel.

Too many things up in the air.  Oh, and it's supposed to be hot as fuck.  And double oh -- a storm has started right now, as I am typing this blog post.  The storm is supposed to contain a significant wind event overnight.  I think I might have to stay up to "hear" whether this storm is going to be really bad for the neighborhood.  But staying up means not mowing the lawn in the morning; instead, I either mow in the middle of the heat or, possibly, not even being able to mow if it's late enough where they come over and I'll have to say hi to them.

Ick -- too much to think about, goddammit.

Well, I hope I still have Sunday.  I will be buying salted nut rolls for Mother -- but after I drive down to ****e's place and fuck the shit out of her.

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