Thursday, May 30, 2024

Hey, Maybe The Car's Just Fine ... Maybe??

Not proud of this, but tonight, while going to Wal-Mart to buy a bedsheet (more on this some other time) and then going to Taco Bell just because, I started freaking out over the car.  I put in a half-quart, but it feels as though the car is still shaking.  I remember it shaking real bad, and when I finally drove it to the mechanic, he said there was just about no oil left in the engine.  But goddammit, I cannot tell how much oil is in the dipstick.  I am afraid that I didn't put in enough, and I'm also afraid that I put in too much.  Man, if a vehicle owner needs to be this precise in order to avoid catastrophic damage to his or her car, maybe people shouldn't be driving cars, you know?

I need to check the oil level again, even if I can't read it.  I'll bring it in if I get scared enough.  But I don't want to bring it in too early because I don't want to scare myself into shelling out money when it turns out I don't have to.  But I could also not bring it in and allow something bad to happen, and I would be spending money then, too.  God fucking damn, I hate this.  I might just be scaring myself to death!

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