Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Running Over Something (It's My Fault)

I take a different route to work every morning if I am diverting to Caribou for my mocha, like I did yesterday/Monday.  I need to take a left to get to the main road that leads to my company.  But goddammit, many times when I take this left I hit what appears to be a pothole, and it's so jarring that I have to check my tires (and it's usually the right side) to make sure I didn't blow them out.

It's pissing me off.  I have looked on the pavement where I need to make the turn, and I have always tried to avoid this little pothole and this manhole cover because I think they're the ones that give me that jarring bump I feel if I don't drive over the smooth pavement.  But fuckin' A, there's some pothole or divot or ridge or something I'm missing, and I fucking damaged my car like that yesterday.

The rub of this all is is that I didn't plan on getting Caribou until I woke up.  My work schedule was such that I neither needed to stay late nor have any opportunity to go anywhere after work, so I thought there was a possibility that I could spend the whole workweek without popping open my wallet even once.  But ... dammit, the Timberwolves came back to win Game 7 and the series on Sunday, and I just felt like treating myself!  And shit, running over something real bad like this was karma's way of saying, "Yeah, big mistake, pal."  If I keep running over what I'm running over, maybe I shouldn't be getting Caribou anymore.  I can't take this any longer.

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