Friday, May 24, 2024

Why Did I Look?

What I usually do during the Timberwolves' recent run is do my damndest not to check the score until I absolutely have to.  That means I usually don't get on my phone so I absolutely avoid Twitter/X and Yahoo! Sports and Apple News.  It's been a very effective way to get off my cellphone.  I don't know if the rash of naps I've taken in the evening coincides with my "rule."

I try my best to avoid the score when I turn on the radio on my way to work.  I wait until I hear the montage by Brandon Mileskie, the producer of The Common Man Progrum on KFAN at high noon the next day.  It feels like an easy way to ease into knowing the score, especially if it's bad.

For Game 1 of The Western Conference Finals, however, I did something different -- stupidly.  First thing yesterday/Wednesday morning I looked at The Athletic.  I did so because I thought I had just heard good news.  I didn't hear the score, and I didn't hear something like, "The Timberwolves won!"  But I heard enough good news that I thought they had won, so I went on the app anticipating good news.  And unfortunately there wasn't any; they lost, 108-105.

And yes, this brings up how I heard good news when I just woke up.  I guess I imagined this good news, or I was still on a high of the Wolves going into Denver and defeating the Nuggets in Game 7 of the previous series, or maybe both.  And I admit that the score on The Athletic application had to load up, and in the half-second it was I realized what was going on and so the pessimistic side of me kicked in and I told myself, "Welp, hope the news is good."  And it wasn't.

Man, why did I look?

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