Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Days To Spend Money/Days Not To Spend Money

Kind of riffing on a side note to my previous blog post: I was going to not spend any money this week, and then I wanted to spend money on one day this week, then it went up to two days, and now I'm afraid I lack willpower and will spend money on more than two days.

I had hoped to make a promise to myself not to whip out my wallet this week.  But then I remember that a junior hockey league, the North American Hockey League (NAHL), hosted its annual championship, The Robertson Cup, up here in the town north of here last/Tuesday night.  They are at this suburb every year, but I haven't gone since 2018 (my only time there) because ... uh, I got busy in 2019 (I guess), then there was the pandemic, and then I guess I got busy with work and I forgot to check.  I am glad I was reminded of The Robertson Cup in time, and I would've gone, but we had severe weather coming through here tonight, and I thought it best not to go lest I hit a flooded street or a tree felled by straight-line winds or something.

Remember that this was a day after I initially thought I wouldn't buy anything on Monday, but decided to treat myself because the Timberwolves upset the Nuggets in Denver to advance to the NBA Western Conference Finals.  (The mocha and oatmeal I bought that morning before heading into work was the only thing I bought when I meant to buy something else because I have a rule that if I buy one thing, I need to buy another thing ... it's an OCD thing I have.  But that's another story.)  And then, since I'm helping out with the Lynx Game Saturday afternoon (even though they're going to have to work around Game 2 of The Western Conference Finals at Target Center Friday night), I thought I should look at least half-decent and cut my long hair.  I have decided to just do it today/Wednesday because I want to catch up on my sleep Thursday for what should be a long day at the arena Friday.  Oh, and I'll make sure I use my credit card for the stuff I should have bought back on Monday.

Now hopefully I can resist temptation and just go to and from work tomorrow/Thursday.  I hope that my day at Target Center is so long on Friday that I'll just be too whipped to do anything else than go home.  Saturday's tricky; the Lynx Game is a noon start, and I don't really want to go home for dinner, so I might sneak in some sexy time with one of my stripper girlfriends that evening.  If not then, maybe Sunday afternoon.  So I guess you can see why I, who still isn't plugging the hole in my wallet, should lighten up on the spending.

By the way, I find it kind of ironic that the one day this week I initially was OK with spending money, Tuesday, could still be the one day this I don't spend money, if only because of the weather.

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