Saturday, May 4, 2024

Goddamn Pothole!!!

Last/Friday night I went out after dinner just because my parents were fighting extremely loudly.  I hadn't heard that scream at each other like that since they both got home.  I had to leave, just to get away from that bullshit, even though I was scared I would come back home (after only 20 minutes) to see police cars and yellow tape around the house, then Father staggering out the door holding Mother's head in his palms while crying.

Anyway, I took that occasion to drop off the check I had to pay for my almost-towed car, and then I decided to drive a bit to a gas station to pick up a bottle of Coke.  There are two ways to get back home from this gas station; instead of the side streets, I decide to pick it up a little and go on an on-ramp that gets me onto a road that has a higher speed limit.  Well, I drove on it once before, and I forgot that there is a pothole or a giant fucking grand canyon (one of the two) on this on-ramp because I just felt a huge drop and whomp! on the left side of my car.  In the morning (or afternoon) I'll have to check if my tires are still inflated.  It was that deep and disruptive.  And since this is the second time I've done this, I have to make sure not to take that route home again.

Partial side note: Nearly all the cars I have ever driven never felt smooth running over a pothole.  Maybe it's me, but I feel as though a good car would keep it steady as she goes while driving, always.

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