Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Nightmare (I Just Put Myself Through Some Matrix Shit)

So because of the massage I got last night and to avoid the Timberwolves and PWHL Minnesota scores (too late for the former because I just saw a friend's Facebook status update), I went to bed around 10, fell asleep (hopefully soon after), and woke up a bit past 3.  But I couldn't fall back asleep.

I eventually did.  Then I looked at my phone and saw that even though it was past the time my alarm came on, I was sleepy enough to try and enjoy a bit more shuteye, so I went back to sleep.  Big mistake: I saw it was 9 o'clock.  I remembered my boss telling me that at some point it was too late to come in, and so, assuming it was, I texted him to apologize and say, "Well, guess I can't go to work now, huh?"  To which he replied, "Well, do you want to?"  And I said, "Yeah, I still do."

Don't remember what I did after that, but then my vision became all wavy ... as if I was waking up from a dream, or nightmare.  And then I realized I was having a dream, or nightmare.  And then I woke up.  Like, just now.

Man, I had a nightmare that I slept through my alarm.  In other words, I was dreaming about sleeping -- while I was sleeping.  That's some trippy Matrix shit there, huh?

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