Saturday, May 4, 2024

No, I Won't Eat Shrimp Tails

I've been told all my life by my folks that the ends of shrimp tails can be eaten.  Never wanted to because ... dammit, they're shrimp tails!  They're nasty!  It's like eating chicken bones: Sure, you can eat them, but why??

My parents have been cooking up shrimp lately and they've been bitching at me about me leaving off the tails after dinner.  They weren't saying anything about it, however, until I helped to clean up the dinner table one night.  I took my placemat, which was just a newspaper, and reached over to Mother who had a dish that I was going to pick up.  I lurched over too fast, however, and one of the damn tails spilled out onto the dish, to which Mother cried to Father, "Oh, look!  He's not eating the shrimp tails!"  And that's why, after I tried sneaking a tail underneath my plate just now, he said, "Oh no, you should eat the tail!"

I don't want to disobey my parents because one day they'll be dead.  But maybe I just won't eat shrimp at all.

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