Sunday, May 19, 2024

Expenses Without Receipt

I'm only blog posting this because right now, I have nothing to say.  But at least I'm catching up now as opposed to six weeks or even eight months later.  Starting from Saturday, May 18:
  • We need to go back to Saturday, May 11, where, kind of out of the blue, I got my car washed.  Charged the wash but had enough cash for the tip, which was: $3.
  • Then, back to Friday, March May 3, when I stored back-to-back mint dollar bills.  My rule is to keep them if I have three of them with consecutive serial numbers, but for some reason I decided to break that rule.  So, I have stored: $2.
  • And I am putting in my birthday gift to my niece in this day as well, even though I technically gave this to her two days later, when we had our belated birthday party for her.  We as a family have largely given up on giving gifts period, but when we do, we just give cash.  My niece was down with it.  She's learning.  Gave her: $100.
  • ETA on May 25, 2024 at 6:05 p.m. that I apparently forgotten a way-before EWR.  On Friday, April 19, I went to the local barber school and got a shave.  The guy was so good that I tipped five bucks, which I've never done before.  Total for the shave: $14.
Finally, blog posted a short EWR.  Good through May 18.

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