Tuesday, May 7, 2024

You Know, They Might All Be Ignoring Me

So ever since I completed those assessments and got an offer via voicemail and text, I have heard nothing from this temp agency.  Not a thing.  I've tried calling them, but here's the thing: I get a receptionist, they put me on hold, I am on hold for a couple or few minutes, then I get returned to the receptionist, who says, "Oh, she must be in a meeting.  Do you want to leave a voicemail?"  I say yes, I do leave said VM ... and that's it.

I have reached out this temp agency, I think, four times since my last communique from them, and I can only repeat this cycle.  I don't know what the deal is.  Why are they freezing me out?  I probably didn't do well on the Excel assessment, but I didn't do well the last time I took it (which was at least six years ago), and that didn't stop them from reaching out to me for gigs.  Are my demands (that I find a full-time job right off the bat and that it pays significantly more than I'm getting paid now) so, uh, demanding that they see no use in talking to me?  Am I too old?  Do they think I'm not taking this seriously?

I stopped using this agency only because I was looking for a full-time job.  I didn't leave on bad terms, unlike that other temp agency that I, for some dumb reason, reached out to, and I won't do that again (probably).  So why won't they return my calls?  I need a safety net if I continue to get crap from my boss, and I think I will because I'll be in The Fourth Department the back half of this week.  I don't get it. ...

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