Thursday, May 9, 2024

My Fuck-Up, Embossed In Amber For All To See

So yesterday at work I had to pick up for my co-worker, who was there in The Fourth Department.  One of the things she started was an e-mail request to get accounts for some urine samples we had in the lab but hadn't gone into testing yet.  She forwarded me the response from the employer to her.  The person from the company asked for the forms that accompanied these piss samples.  My co-worker's initial e-mail to her should have had images of those forms attached, but sure, I could send them again.

That was in the morning.  In the afternoon, my co-worker forwarded another e-mail from this same person with this employer asking again for copies of these forms.  I thought I had already done so, so I don't know what the problem was.  I then checked another piece of software we use, one that tracks all forms of communication we all need to mark in order to leave a trail of what our company has done to resolve any issue that crops up with our clients.  Anyway, my entry that I e-mailed the employer copies of these forms were followed up by ... e-mails from another department noting that they e-mailed this person copies of these forms.

Why?  Then I read the note this other co-worker left: I had e-mailed the forms not to this person with the company, but to my department.  In other words, I e-mailed the copies of these forms to myself.  And then I realized that I all did when my co-worker forwarded that e-mail request to me was hit reply all ... meaning that because she sent that e-mail to me, when I replied all, I was only replying to myself.  I'm thinking on this now, and I don't know how I sent it to myself, but the bottom line is I didn't send it to the person who asked for it, and ever since I realized that, up to and including this very moment, I think I just made the dumbest fucking mistake I have ever made.

I'm still defensive about this.  I still don't know why this person didn't get the images of these forms when my co-worker first asked her.  And besides, I've never had a request like that the day after my co-worker asked for an account number.  I've got shit thrown on my lap, and sometimes I feel like I'm playing catch-up and this is something I missed, you know?.  If I had been in The Fourth Department all week, would I have fucked up like this?  I don't think so!

But what really pisses me off is this trail marked by this other person with my company.  I don't want people to know that I e-mailed myself.  That's pretty goddamn embarrassing.  But when I open up the record of how we tracked down the account for these samples, there's that note there -- "Client once again e-mailed asking for forms because Unforgivable Wetness e-mailed those images to himself."  And I can't erase that, ever, because I'd get into even more trouble trying to cover up this fuck-up.  Motherfucking Christ, I hope I don't hear another word of this bullshit.

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