Friday, May 17, 2013

I Will Miss Working This Job/I Will Not Miss Working This Job

Had a fun time at work.  A lot of people brought in food for the potluck (though not me; I kind of forgot about until yesterday, when they made another announcement, but I did bring in food two other days!) and I think we got punchy, over-exuberant and slow.  I can only speak for myself when I had fun looking at other answers, some so humorous I had to laugh for a minute.  I think others did the same.  And when an adjoining room finished their project and congratulated themselves with thunderous applause, I looked at the guy next to me, who started clapping just as maniacally.  And then several others of us did, including me, probably in sarcasm.  They may be done, but shit, we're still employed.

Oh yeah, about that; the planned end of the project, in fact the end date we were given when availability e-mails were sent over the holiday season, was today.  But because we were being so, uh, diligent with our papers -- or we got too punch-drunk by all the food we ate today, and damn it was so great food! -- we did not finish.  So, as we were warned last week, we are indeed going to be back at work on Monday to finish up.  Shoot, I'd give ourselves a 10% chance of having to stay all the way through the end of day Monday!

And that would take me right ... into traffic.  Goddamn, it was at its worst today.  I thought it would be better that I got out of work at 4 instead of 5.  I was totally fucking wrong on that.  It took me 65 minutes to get home.  Shit, I think it only took me an hour driving from Apple Valley home, and I'm driving on 100, which is supposed to be a new highway!!  It's taken me that long to get home before, but today was worse because 1) it seemed like every time I changed lanes the other lane started moving, another reason Office Space is a fucking God, and 2) I don't think I have ever made so many starts-and-stops during my time on this project than tonight.  I really fucked up transmission, and it wasn't that fucking great to begin with.  And I plan on going to this art show in an hour, so let's see if my car works, 'kay?

Well, since I referenced Office Space's opening scene, I might as well put it here.  Haven't put video on Wailing And Failing in a long time.  If there's an ad to start it, forgive me:

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