Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The End Is Near

And the end of my assignment is closer than I initially thought.

There are a couple of people, and I think they're both on my team, that work fast.  I mean, real fast.  I mean, too fast.  And I think partly on account of that, my side of the room will finish our project up some time early tomorrow, probably, I say, before noon.

This project I have been a part of now for three years and this is the first time we could get done with this before the final Friday.  Before we left early on that Friday, but we always made it to that Friday.  Not anymore.  Should we blame those working too fast for being selfish?  Don't know.

Thank goodness I am now on the "other side" of the room because they needed help.  It appears they have been so slow -- no Ayn Rand rabbits there fucking it up for the rest of us -- that they were in serious jeopardy of not finishing by the Friday deadline.  So, with us helping out -- and it's great to be wanted because it shows they like me -- they will get done on time.

But maybe too done.  The supervisor announced this afternoon that the expectation, what she wants, is to be done by tomorrow.  Tomorrow?  Can't we be done by Friday?  What's the hurry?

That kind of fucks up my plans.  I was working with the intention of having five days of work.  Now, I need something to do.  Guess I would have chores at home to take care of, for example, but that would entail spending money, and despite all the overtime I've put in, I am not in a position where I can just go out.  And speaking of OT, we were given permission to work overtime last and now this week.  I am, therefore, kind of puzzled why we would get done so early and thus not get OT.  Was she worried that we wouldn't get done in time and overcorrected?  I could use the overtime pay, but if it turns out that we will get done by tomorrow -- and the chance that my side of the room will be finished is pretty high; we won't make it to end of day Thursday, I bet -- there's no OT.  Hell, there won't be a full paycheck this week, and I kind of expected that.  Guess I shouldn't expect when it comes to this line of work.

One thing that might balance this all out so I won't as pissed off as I am right now: The previous two years we did not have weekly overtime, just an extra five-hour session on a Saturday.  If I take all the hours I worked extra from last and this week and tacked it onto whatever time we finish with the entire project, we probably would get into Friday.  In other words, this year we probably would finish around the same time as we did last year and the year before.  Logically, maybe I shouldn't get all bent out of shape that I now have to look for work sooner than I wanted.

Oh, one other change from my previous years: The final week, where we look through potential test questions for the future, begins not Monday but Tuesday.  They say they need to prepare on Monday, which I can understand.  The Monday I have off, however, may not be a bad thing.  This gives me options to, for example, go to My Favorite Stripclub (Cover Edition), a place I haven't been to in a long time.  And since my folks aren't home, even better.

One thing I won't mind missing after this whole job is over, or Monday, or Friday, or even tomorrow afternoon: The traffic.  I just don't how long my afternoon commute will be.  Monday I got home in about 35 minutes.  Today it took me an hour, a goddamn hour, to fucking get home.  I just done lost my mind.

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