But in the end, I didn't do it. A bunch of reasons:
- It's be nice if I were paid. Most extra work doesn't pay, and I have (and plan on still) helping out as an extra for small, no-budget shoots like this one is supposed to be. But I have had more of an eye on trying to monetize my time whenever possible. And at least on that column of the ledger, it doesn't succeed.
- While this is one of the few shoots that is actually in the metro area, it's still pretty far. I also needed to fill up my car (my first fill-up! Oh, the car grows up so fast!!) and I didn't think I was going to wake up in time for me to remember to gas up, go to the gas station to gas up, and then get to set on time. Yeah, I could have just woken up early and do all that, but ... well, see 1.
- He asked me to pick up a guy from White Bear Lake, which is clear across the other side of town from me as well as from the site of the shoot. My friend is a movie lifer. I have no idea if he's even making money doing this, but I even if he isn't he doesn't care, because he loves to make movies. (He also likes sports, we bond over sports.) So I assume he has an "all hands on deck" attitude when it comes to making movies. So if he can help people for a production by arranging a ride for them, he'll do his best to, well, be a producer. I don't mind that, I really don't. But going from home to the other side of town, and then back to the other, other side of town? Naw, I wasn't feeling that today.
- I think I needed to spend some time cleaning out my old car, and I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to put in enough time to do that and get to the shoot for call. Turned out I didn't spend that much time cleaning out my car, but still.
- Finally, this is the killer fact that I was afraid would happen, but it probably would happen: Shoots always go long. When they say it's going to end at 3, it definitely isn't going to end at 3. I don't know if I blogged about this, but I was an extra for a movie that actually did get a semi-wide release. I was supposed to report in the evening and get out around midnight or so. I was there until daybreak. Ridiculous, but I've found out moviemaking is quite ridiculous. I don't remember any time where I was let out when they initially said we were going to be done. And while I had those five hours free, I bought a special ticket to the Minnesota United game tonight where I get to go on the pitch and everything. Plus, since I am working 12 hours these days, my parents and I don't have dinner together except on weekends, so I really thought I had to get home by around 4 to eat with them and then go to the game in time. (Don't forget that it's Mother's Day Weekend. Maybe I should eat with Mother these two days.) I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to do the shoot and get home by 4 ... well, unless it was 4 in the morning.
Since then I went downtown to watch English Premier League soccer, took a nap in my car, then went to Caribou to type this. I honestly have not agonized about my decision once this afternoon. Hope my friend is OK and I hope he forgives me.
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