Monday, September 14, 2015

Why Can't Things Appear When I Want Them?

So right now I am missing two things that I really, really am missing right now.

The first is my alma mater name plate.  It's a sweet, albeit hard plastic, thing that looks kind of official.  When I wear it it makes me feel I am serious.  I need it now that football season is here, but I'm looking all over for it and can't find it.  I know that I had it when I was doing that main event over the summer.  I think it was magnetized to the shirt I was wearing, and once it was over I took it off, name tag still attached, and threw it on my chair, where I assumed it would still be.  But it's not.  I wanted to wear it Saturday but I couldn't find it, anywhere.  And I looked for it in the places it logically could be, namely the boxes which I carried to this event.  Not there.  So I don't know where the hell it could be.

I am also trying to look for my Minnesota RollerGirls tickets.  I bought them the first day of the Minnesota State Fair, and I put them in my shirt pocket (I think; I don't remember if the shirt I wore had a pocket), and I think I had them when I got back into my car when I was done.  But I don't remember what happened to the tickets after that, and unlike the name tag, I don't know where to look.  It sucks extra because I got a deal: Buy two tickets for the price of one.  I have no idea where it could be now; anywhere it would even maybe be I have looked in and through -- no dice.  So as soon as my parents are gone, I'm going to toss my bedroom and look through every single small paper card I have accumulated to find those damn tickets.


When I lost my hat and gloves over the winter, in self-pity and pain I was looking if there are any things I can buy to never lose them, or anything else, again.  These devices and applications, for example, might help.  There are drawbacks to them, though.  For one thing I have to pay, and for some of them (if not all of them) I have to pay a yearly "membership."  For another, the RFID that I attach to each of the things I don't want to lose have only so far of a range, so I would only know if, say, my keys are out of range from my smartphone.  Finally, to locate anything within range, I would have to rely on the location services of other services that not only are turned on, not only have their location beacon turned on, but (I think) have to have that same locator app too.  The RFID will have to ping from the keys or the hat and gloves to the nearest smartphone, which will then send off a message to my phone indicating that the item I am looking for is around there.  I don't know if that will work, at least to my satisfaction.

So even if I did have something like this, it probably wouldn't work to find my name tag and MNRG tickets, would it?

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