Friday, September 16, 2016

Asshole Driver: 630 RTU

This one is important, guys.  Of all the Bad Drivers I've encountered, this prick scares me the most.  So, just in case this asshole comes after me, well, you heard it here first.

Alright, you motherfucking Trump supporter.  I was waiting on the off-ramp because cars were coming by.  I did see the lane in front of me, but since we were going to the mall, some cars veer into that lane, so just in case, I let them move ahead first.  Oh, by the way, I also stopped on that off-ramp because I had the fucking Yield sign.

You seem to be really pushy, aren't ya?  Getting all by me even though we both were racing through the stop signs.  What, you needed that special spot underneath the two-floor ramp before me?  But I will admit that you really pissed me off when you slammed on your brakes right in front of me after you cut me off.  I do not want to waste my good, new brake pads and rotors for a piece of shit like you.

Finally: Yeah, I see your "Locked And Loaded" decal on the back of your camper shell.  I'll be honest: I am intimidated.  You were looking at me like you were catching every single detail of my face and car.  I wouldn't be totally surprised if you left a bullet in our mailbox, or if you go to the DMV, look up my license, and head to my house with one of your arsenal of guns.  But you're not going to shut me up, because you're a road-raging asshole, and you need to be put on blast.

So I don't have any idea whether the county police paid a visit to you or your car if you were still parked at the mall after I called your punk ass in.  I don't know if they can or will do anything at all.  But I know one thing: Pretty soon, I'm going back to that mall, and I'm going to park there, and I'm going to walk into that mall to do whatever the fuck I want, because I have a right to do whatever the fuck I want without being shoved around by some rude Second Amendment-loving chump who decides he doesn't have to wait.

What the hell are you going to do about it?

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