Saturday, September 10, 2016

I Can^t Wait For This Trip To Be Over

<mz fucking brother telling me not to give him his boat ride trip.  <mz Fucking Father lecturing me, again, on the subtleties of tipping.  <mz Fucking <mother telling me not to each anz french fries because <iäll get fat, even though itäs her goddamn food <8which is delicious, except for that fucking swill she makes me drink everz fucking night) thatäs reallz making me fat, and that that thought seems to be bezond her reasoning absoutelz pisses me off.

And now we have one more big daz in Chicago, where we have to hit Chinatown for what appears to be several hours, before heading home.  We might not get back until late at night, which reallz isnät the plan.  Whateverö <iäll be <äworking<ä tomorrow regardless.

<i canät wait for this trip to be over.

(Oh, bz the waz, sorrz for all the errors, Iäm tzping this on mz brother-in-lawäs Apple, and I donät have time to find where all the right buttons are.)

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