Wednesday, January 19, 2022

If I Catch It, I Caught It Here

I got a shave this afternoon and I already regret it.  It was a good shave, I like being pampered, and the customer service was good enough.  But all the people working there had no masks on, they were alluding to "being tired" of COVID news, and it was unnerving to see my shaver just talk and talk and talk while she was around me.  (Yes, I have eaten in restaurants many times during the pandemic, but they were not this close to me, and anybody who was that close to me while unmasked were family or friends.)  Finally, when I was asked to add tip to my service, the minimum, the minimum, was 25%.  Come on, don't fucking upsell me on this shit.  What are you guys, Republicans?

Worse than that is I might have walked into a situation I could have avoided.  Once I sat in that chair and realized that nobody working there was going to be wearing a mask even though I had to take my mask off, I remembered the last time I went to this place.  All the things I'm complaining about happened then too -- no masks, doubts whether they take the coronavirus seriously, the gouging, all that.  So, why did I come here?  Well, I guess I just got dazzled over paying a premium for a shave.  They do good work, after all.  But I used to go this barber training school where they also teach shaves.  I could have gone there.  To that specific point, I will say that I needed to get my facial hair shorn off but didn't want to do it myself.  I had scheduled a shave for this place in the evening, but when I was asked to fill in for someone second shift at work for the week, I thought it was a chance to come in in the early afternoon when it wasn't so busy.  That I could have gone to the training school, which is only open during the day while I'm at work, didn't cross my mind till after my shaver put the cream on me.


If I wake up early enough tomorrow, I might try to get in a test.  If I can't get a test, I'll just hope and pray I don't catch the 'Rona.

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