Monday, January 31, 2022

My Housecleaner Stripper Girlfriend Needed A Mental Health Day

So I had one of my stripper girlfriends come over Saturday to clean the house.  She's great because she's thorough, but she was late again, as usual.  (She did have mitigating circumstances, though, and I want to keep that private.)  She got here around 9, and she stayed until about 1:30 or so.  She has come and stayed for upwards of eight hours, which seems insane to me.  It's not as if I'm moving.  But I was prepared to have her stay until 5 in the morning as befits her pattern.  Unfortunately (or fortunately), she hit a wall halfway through her cleaning; apparently I was her third client of the day, and she'd been working since early Sunday morning.  That's fine, I said; she could leave her stuff here and come back to finish up the next day.

That "next day" was yesterday/Sunday, but goddammit, no, she did not come back.  She was so exhausted that she needed the day off.  It was going to be kind of awkward since I just wanted to sit and watch football all day; hearing the TV over her vacuuming would be hard, and it's hard to relax when I need to move my butt around so she can clean.  But now that she's coming back today/Monday (or at least she's saying that she is), that brought up a host of other conflicts because I work, obvi.  She wanted to come over in the morning, when I work, and she wanted me to just drop a house key in, like, a potted plant or something so she could work.  I trust ****e*, but I cannot allow just anyone to come into this house without me being present.  I am not worried that she'll steal something; I'm worried that someone will find the key I would leave for her and break in.  And heaven forbid if a member of my family just somehow drops by while she's there; I would be at a total loss of words to explain that.

So I told her no, she can't do it, even though it would be super-convenient for her.  I asked if she could come in the afternoon; no, she said, she needs to pick up her kid.  I asked if she could come later in the evening, like around the time she came Saturday.  Yeah, she said, but she might have to bring her kid with her.  I said OK; I've had a stripper girlfriend clean my house with her son once before, and it wasn't a big deal.  Maybe having a child in tow will compel ****e* her to work a little quicker.  I can't imagine she needs to stay longer than, like, a few hours anyway; it's just blinds and floors and walls at this point.

The big problem is if she can't come tonight, for some reason.  I can't see why -- after all, all her cleaning supplies are here, and she can't work without them.  But beyond the fact that this cleaning job is not done after 24 hours is, well, my Chinese-ness.  You see, Chinese New Year is Tuesday, and one of the big traditions is to clean everything before the New Year.  Moreover, you're not supposed to clean anything for at least New Year's Day, if not the first two days of the New Year, because you'll be "sweeping away your fortune."  (I've seen some websites saying you can't clean for the first five days, and one that forbids you from doing it for the first week.  Oy.)  I can't do anything if for some reason ****e* says she can't come tonight, but as much as I tout that I have a degree, breaking this tradition (which I only heard of recently, so I've been a johnny-come-lately adherent on this) scares the bejesus out of me.  So she has to do this tonight or else.  And dammit, she should know about this because she's half-Asian.  Lordy.

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