Thursday, January 13, 2022

Wet January

There is a phenomenon called Dry January, in which people who want to make New Year's Resolutions without making any, you know, real New Year's Resolutions compromise by abstaining from alcohol for the first month of the year.  It has become such an (and I hope using this word doesn't have any pejorative connotation, either now or in the near future) endemic that popular New York City bars have gone on to Instagram to post photos of their largely empty places, enticing those who are not "observing" Dry January with dreams of finally being able to get into the spot they always wanted to get into but couldn't because it's so crowded.

I'm not observing Dry January.  It actually has been very, very wet to me.  That's because, as soon as my parents left, I bought all these barware tools (shaker, jigger, juicers for lemons, limes and oranges) and all this liquor and am trying to teach myself some basic cocktails.

I'm learning things, though they probably are mundane compared to other people.  I realized I think club soda has a bitter taste, and tonic water, because of the quinine, actually tastes pretty good.  I realized that the simply syrup I made by heating up sugar in water makes any cocktail better.  But mostly I realized that, like drinking one cocktail I make for myself makes me plenty tipsy, and two -- like tonight -- even more so.  I have drank a steady clip for the past two months, and after almost every drink I invariably have a headache and a fatigue so bad that I think I'll end this blog post now and go to bed.

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