Friday, February 17, 2023

Welp, She's Now Encroaching On My Territory

I checked my schedule for next week.  After several weeks of working The Fourth Department, I will, starting next week, be working back there only two days a week.  The person who had recently taken the same position as I is finally going to begin training in this job.

Frankly, when I saw it on the calendar, I immediately felt defensive.  This is my territory, back off.  And then I have to be amazed at how territorial I've gotten with this job because six months ago, I would have paid anybody money to take the job I'm enjoying now.  It's such a 180 from how I felt back then.  Man, those were dark days; I felt embattled, it was a struggle for me to get out of there ten hours after I got in, and there were many moments when I wanted to bash my head against the monitors and quit.

A couple times I have looked back on the blog posts when I started off in this position on my own, and it's like I'm reading the blog of another person.  Now that I have seen most of what is thrown at me and can remember who to turn to in order to get the information I need, much of my job has become routine.  And now that it has become old hat ... well, I'm just repeating what I blog posted here, but I am currently enjoying the perks of working by myself back there in The Fourth Department now that I have been able to overcome the crap that comes with it.

But I do understand that this eventually was going to happen.  It doesn't make sense for only two people to know how to do this job.  And yet the more I think about it, the more I am going to hate data entry.  Not only will I not be able to just hide back there and sneak quick looks at the Internet, not only do I have to wake up an hour early for that position, but not needing to use my brain actually feels (at least right now, as I type this) like a big drawback as that leads me to feel very drowsy in the hours before I take my lunchtime nap.  Coming into this job I thought that keying would be the best job in the whole department.  I may feel differently once I get back into the groove of data entry, but right now, I am absolutely dreading going back to The Main Department three days a week.

Oh, and this means I have to clean up the area around the computer at The Fourth Department, too.  Having that workstation to myself these past several weeks meant that I could treat it as my own, and so I have been keeping my earbuds and coffee mug there.  I sometimes buy coffee and have kept the coffee cozies and stoppers on the desk.  Tuesday, before I go, I'll have to take all those and put them in my bag, and then sanitize the whole place.  Oh, and I'll have to erase the memory on the Internet browsers as well.  Man, switching out of The Fourth Department sucks!

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