Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Night Shoveling; Day Working; Facebook Slot Machine Avoiding/Forgetting

So I just got in from shoveling for about half an hour.  I started at a quarter to 3 and got done a quarter after.  To be clear, that's just now, this morning, overnight.  There was no one around while I was shoveling -- no cars, no strange people walking outside at night at the onset of a blizzard that might be my open door and think they can kill me and live in my house.

Anyway, I went to eat out -- maybe for the final time if I don't survive this storm -- after work (and thankfully the snow that started mid-afternoon wasn't too bed for me to drive home), and I got so tired that after seeing all but the first minute of Night Court (and that still irks me that I didn't leave the restaurant five minutes earlier!) that I went to bed around 7:30 and woke up around midnight.  I've been up ever since.  I had the energy, and I wanted to make sure that I could get to work in, uh, a couple hours, so why not go out and shovel?  At least I would know how bad the snow is.  And it's ... well, it's not great, but I hope shoveling the driveway behind my car and the part of the street that would be plowed onto the end of my driveway if a private snowplow drove down the street now will clear enough snow that I could leave the house and start my job.

So I'm glad I did it now.  I might have been able to power through the snow if I didn't shovel just now, but I'm not that sure.  I'm just glad my parents weren't here to stop me from doing what I want to do overnight.  Besides, I need the exercise.

The forecasters have consistently said that this phase of the storm, which should end in the morning, will be far better than the white hell we're going to face starting in the afternoon.  There's a steady stream of light snow now; if it stays this way through the end of the phase, I'll take it.  It's just getting home that scares the crap out of me.


I have a good boss.  Really, I do.  With that being said (and I hate to only point him out whenever I have a disagreement with him), I found it kind of tone deaf when, with this impending snowstorm coming, he sent all of his workers yesterday an e-mail saying that overtime is being offered because we're backed up again.  OK, maybe he had to put it out there, I don't know.  But we are in the middle of what will probably be an epic blizzard, and he's telling us we can endanger out lives and be at work for longer than we already are?!  I e-mailed him that maybe instead of OT, he could explain what we're going to do if we can't get to work (or the delivery can't make it to work, or if the plane can't bring out work to the airport) because it's damn Hoth outside tomorrow/Thursday.  We'll play it by ear, he says, which may be the only thing we can do, but dammit it's a whole lot worse to be reactive than proactive.  And that still doesn't explain if he knew how it, and he, looked when firing off an e-mail about potentially making more money when we should be worrying about surviving this storm.

No, I won't be coming in early or staying late this week.  If there wasn't a blizzard, yes, I would.  But there is, so I won't.  Besides, I worked there Sunday.  I've done my OT.


So I said I woke up at midnight.  I doomscrolled through my phone and did not get to my laptop, and that sucks, because the daily slot machine day ends at 2 every morning, and I failed to take my free spin, and so I broke my streak and have to go back to Day 1, which I just did.

Nowadays, if I want to go to the Internet, I use my phone and not my computer.  I use my laptop to blog, like I'm doing now, and then I incidentally surf the Internet.  But if I don't feel like writing, I take to my phone.  That prevents me sometimes from going to Facebook and making sure I keep up with the streak.  Yes, circumstances right now (snowstorm, fear, drinking, passing out) are reasons I didn't do it, but still, it sucks.

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