Wednesday, January 24, 2024

I'm Scared, OK?!?!?!

I'm scared that the mechanic doesn't know what he's doing and my car isn't fixed and those fucking lights will come on a month from now like they went off a month after I brought it in the first fucking time.  I'm scared that the car will never be the same even if the timing chain was replaced perfectly.  I'm scared that the damn thing will overheat because the mechanic had an opportunity to replace the water pump and he didn't and so it springs a leak (still don't fucking get that -- you are doing open heart surgery on the car, you're down there, and the water pump can be just plucked off because you're plucking off everything  else down there, so why not fucking do it?!  I'll pay!!!) two months from now.  I'm scared that I won't be able to make up the two grand I have to shell out this morning in order to get my car back.

And most of all, I'm scared that I will now have to think about the future, and not only being able to afford getting a new car but learning how to buy one.  A new timing chain may be a new lease on life, but it also signals time ticking away on my car.  What am I going to do once this car gets unreliable?  And for all I know, it's unreliable now.

The repeated injuries to my car will continue.  I know changing tires is routine, but mine apparently are on their last legs (or treads, whatever), and I might have to get new ones in the next couple months.  Back into the shop my car goes.  It's a goddamn cripple at this point, isn't it?

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