Sunday, January 28, 2024

New Motherboard, And It'll Take One Week

So, I called the guy late yesterday/Saturday afternoon, about an hour before he closed.  He said it was the motherboard.  Need to get a new one.  It'll set me back $300, and it'll take a week.

Went to the library yesterday/Saturday to research laptops in Consumer Reports.  For what is reliable, I would be spending around a grand, which might be a tack less than what I spent to buy the one I have.  But seeing that the operating system on my laptop is still being supported, I don't think I want to move on just yet, so spending about 30% of the original price of the lap on repairs seems worth it if it gives me, oh, at least a couple years of extra life and use.

So I approved.  But a week?  Now, I'll be so busy with work -- I'll be in The Fourth Department all week -- that I probably won't be able to pick it up until Saturday anyway.  Plus, I've accepted my Plan B, which is to come down to the computer room, fire up both the old and the new desktop, and blog post on the former while surfing the Internet on the latter.  I have come to rely on using my phone if I want to be on the Internet, but I feel kind of abandoned knowing I won't have my laptop to type up my blog post once a day.  Then again, there is a huge adjustment to which I grouse about, and then I adapt to it, and pretty soon I find that the setup I have to resort to now is workable.  But then I'll get my laptop back (hopefully), I'll find it weird I won't have to go downstairs anymore, and I'll eventually learn to use and love my laptop again.  I think I can endure for a week.

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