Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bad Driver: 480 DRH

One thing I hate about myself, and it's something I seriously need to work on, is my bias at bad drivers. Specifically, I have noticed for a long time that I get more enraged when I discover that the driver that cuts in front of me is a woman. Either my nascent fear and loathing of my mom or my culturally inculcated misogyny erupts whenever I see a girl dare take my manhood. It pisses me off, but then when I think about how I'm feeling at that moment, I get pissed off even more.

Then I think of My Father. Is the reason I get angrier with women drivers than men drivers because of how I grew up regarding women with my mom as an example, or how I grew up regarding men with My Father as an example? I grew up loving him a lot more than Mother. That might mean that I have grown to give males a certain amount of slack over how they drive, because when I see them driving I think about my sweet, loving, understanding Father driving. But then -- I don't know when exactly -- I grew to feel betrayed and hurt, and then absolutely despising My Fucking Father. And that might translate into having this ingrained fear of all men while out on the road, which means I transfer my anger only to women drivers.

Still, I have to report this, and I have to the state. Because what this bitch did to me is wrong. I've been cut off before, and by people who don't put their blinkers on. But my anger is usually rooted at what looks to be their indifference to my safety. This cunt is different.

I was on 35WN. Around the split with 36 I was going around the bend there while on the left-most lane. The lane to my right had a car whose driver was driving slower than me. Still, my car's pretty old and it can't accelerate, especially while I'm going around a bend. No matter to this woman whom I saw ride my ass as I was taking this curve -- and around afternoon rush, when I had to keep my eye out on any stopping traffic ahead of me.

I was getting past this car next to me, but slowly. And I know what she was going to do: As soon as I got past that car far enough that there was a gap, she was going to shoot through it. And after 35W straightened out, that's exactly what she did. But the little flair she added was that she cut right in front of me without signaling. I mean directly right in front of me. The gap she narrowed while she was behind me was shorter than the gap she created when she cut in front of me, but not by much. And there was space in the traffic around here; she had plenty of asphalt and time to move onto my lane 10, 20, 30 yards ahead of me, and she certainly had the speed, the car, and the lead foot to do so. That she instead almost ran me off the road means that goddamn motherfucker wanted to send a message that I was in her fucking way and that she was pissed off.

Well, lady, now I'm the one who's pissed off. I was so fuckin' lucky to catch up with you when traffic slowed at 96, you with the short straight blonde hair and the way you were bitching into the cellphone you were using while driving like you were insane. And the fact that you got onto the middle lane, the one with the huge semi several yards ahead of us, and it somehow became the fast lane while I was in the left lane, which turned out to be the slow one, doesn't mean you're a master driver, it just means you got really goddamn lucky.

I really hope the police do something with the information I sent them about you. Better yet, I hope you got pulled over. Best yet, I hope one day your reckless driving gets you killed or chased down and run over by a guy you shouldn't've fucked with. Please fucking die.

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